K: We are so excited to introduce you to an important member of the family! Tara is our English black lab and although she looks like a puppy, she is actually two years old. Brandon adopted Tara in Oxford, Mississippi about a year before we met. Even though I was not a part of her puppy stage, she is a huge part of our lives and I love her sweet and energetic personality. Brandon is sharing all about his little girl and what activities they enjoy!
B: Tara was bred from a long lineage of hunting dogs from Scotland. Her instincts allow her to watch my every move, listen intently, and obey commands. Our patient training together has led Tara to understand my hand signals, voice, and whistle blows. Tara's zeal in her everyday life routine, coupled with her unrelenting driven determination, are truly a sight to behold.
B: We are currently training for an upcoming bird hunt with my father, father-in-law, and one of my closet friends. In training, Tara watches the thrown bird dummy, waits for my signal, and retrieves the bird dummy to my side. Tara takes her training and hunting very seriously, running full speed with every opportunity to retrieve.
B: Tara's puppy days were filled with long walks, long naps, and lots of cuddle time. Her personable, yet shy and meek demeanor match mine perfectly; we hit everything off better than I could have hoped and I truly believed that I found the perfect puppy. Tara is a remarkable member of our family, and we love every aspect she possesses.
B: Tara is most certainly my pride and joy. We spend as much time together as possible, and she will be a regular member within our continued posts.
On Brandon: Peter Millar Shirt, similar here, Hugo Boss sweater, Seven jeansLabels: hunting, Tara